Monday, November 9, 2009

Isn't raw sugar or honey, OK?

Sugar is one of the most common struggles for young families. Ice cream, icing, candy, etc. are often children's favorite foods. But these are treats, not food. You can make these things healthier but the super sweet items should not be eaten frequently.

Some people use a lot of honey or maple syrup think because these are natural, so it is ok to use them. Free use, or LOTS of, is not healthy in any form. We must guard against eating too much of a good thing, lets it becomes not a good thing.

"The free use of sugar in any form tends to clog the system, and is not unfrequently a cause of disease." {CTBH 56.4}

Friday, November 6, 2009

Vinegar and Vegenaise

This is a partial answer to someone questioning my use of Vegenaise (which has some vinegar).

First of all please understand I am a Seventh-Day Adventist.

It is not a question of whether vinegar is good for you, it is not good for you! All vinegars are the same. (Only tradition, folk lore, and natural medicine say apple cider vinegar is healthy.) So, why do I use it on occasion? Because I do not believe it to be a sin, or as harmful as other foods that could be put on my plate.

What about the quote about oil and vinegar in salad? Well, is it the oil or the vinegar or both that create the problem? You see so often we assume things based on tradition.

I believe health reform is progressive, I believe health is more than diet, and I believe we must strive for balance. So, because I am convicted that I can no longer be so strict for my families sake, it is not to say I advocate the use of vinegar as healthful. Merely that I don't believe it to be a sin to use on occasion. I hope this is clear.

Blessings on your journey!!!
Angela Poch

HERE is a bit more on the subject.

There are only 22 quotes on vinegar in the Ellen White data base and 18 of those refer to Jesus dying on the cross. So that leaves 4 - one on the salad quote mentioned above and two in regard to Ellen White’s personal struggle with cravings, and the one below.

"You say again, "They are not educated in regard to the injurious effects of meat eating and of using sugar and vinegar, tea and coffee. That is, they depend for their herb drink on tea from China and coffee from Java. These things are injurious and deleterious to the human system. Tea and coffee are stimulants and poisons, and their effects have been presented before them." {20MR 2.4}

In this quote above, Mrs. White is quoting another person. The person combines meat, sugar, vinegar, coffee and tea, but Mrs. White separates tea and coffee as poisons. They are not given the same weight. With only 4 quotes on the subject, I cannot be as worried about it as other items such as eating too much!

There are lots of quotes on condiments and vinegar is used in condiments - mustard, ketchup, pickles, relish, etc. BUT there is lots of SALT and spices too! So, the choice is up to you. How little or how much you want to do for your own health is up to you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chemicals in the Kitchen, Keeping it Clean!

If you're like me you wonder how to keep your kitchen clean without all the chemicals. What is safe, what isn't. How do we prevent bacteria and other germs from getting into our food?

Bleach, right! Isn't that the disinfectant for all disease and germs? Well, not exactly. We've been told by doctors, nurses, and health specialists to wipe with bleach. It's used in hospitals, labs, and restaurants. But guess what? It's not enough. Bleach MUST be in contact with the germ for about 10 minutes to kill it. So the bleach helps kill the germs in the cloth, but it is not disinfecting the counter unless the cloth is picking up every last germ. So what do you do? Pick up every last germ.

No, I'm not kidding. Microfiber cloths are a healthy solution, and the good ones have been shown to pick up 99.9% of all the germs PLUS have no germ transfer (to your hands or other counters).

Many of the hospitals in Norway are going to microfiber cloths (with silver in them). And get this, you don't have to use the bleach!! Hot water and soap will wash the germs down the drain!

So, stay health and clean with water! Isn't God good!!!!

PS: If you are working in a commercial environmental OBEY the law and use bleach or whatever solution they instruct you!!!

PPS: Not all microfiber cloths are created equal. The best in the market that have actually been scientifically studied are by Norwex, a Canadian company.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vitamins verses Food Additives

When are food additives ok? Do I just avoid any words too big to read out loud?

Just because a word looks like a dangerous chemical, doesn't mean it isn't safe. Lots of vitamins are horrible sounding in their chemical form. Food additives are something to be concerned about and for more information click here.

But in the mean time learn what words are actually vitamins and not food additives.

Some of the vitamins that are added to food are (some of these may come from animal products or may not be the best sources, but the are generally not regarded as harmful as other additives and some of these are vital to good health.):

alpha tocopherol or alpha tocopheral acetate - vitamin E;
ascorbic acid - vitamin C;
beta carotine or carotine - pre-cursor to vitamin A;
biotin - B vitamin;
calcium carbonate or citrate - calcium;
cholecalciferol - vitamin D3;
choline bitartrate or chloride - choline a nutrient;
cyanocobalamin - B12;
7-dehydrocholesterol - vitamin D3;
disodium riboflavin phosphate
- vitamin B2;
ergocalciferal - vitamin D2; ferric or ferrous... - iron supplement;
folain, folic acid - B vitamin;
inositol - a vitamin;
iron - nutrient;
L-cysteine - amino acid;
lactoflavin - Vitamin B2;
magnesium acetate, carbonate, or other - nutrient;
manganese choloride, citr
ate, gluconate, etc. -- nutrient;
menaquinone - vitamin K; methionine - amino acid;
niacin, niacinamide, nicotinamide, or nicotinic acid - vitamin B3;
pantothenic acid - vitamin B5;
phylloquinone - vitamin K1;
pyridoxine hydrochloride - vitamin B6;
riboflavin, sodium riboflavin phosphate, etc. - vitamin B2;
thiamine hydrochloride or mononitrate - B1;
taurine - amino acid; tocopherol - vitamin E;
zinc chloride, gluconate, methionine sulfate, oxide, etc. - zinc an important mineral.

Again, read our top 10 food additives to avoid list by clicking here for

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Coconut Milk Question

QUESTION: Are coconut milk and oil ok? Aren't they high in saturated fat?

ANSWER: Coconut milk and oil are fine if used in moderate quantities. Yes, they have high amounts of saturated fat, but there are different kinds of saturated fat. "Fats are classified as short-, medium- or long-chain based on the number of carbon molecules they contain. Nearly two-thirds of the saturated fat in coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids.

When we eat long-chain fatty acids, they must be emulsified by bile salts in the small intestine before they can be absorbed into our body. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids, such as those in coconut milk, are absorbed directly through the portal vein to the liver, where they are immediately available to the body.

In other words, most of the saturated fat in coconut oil is easily digestible and converted into quick energy. And these types of fatty acids are less likely to cause obesity because they are immediately used by the body and have no opportunity to be stored."

Hope that helps.
Coconut Oil – The Truth
The Truth About Coconut Oil by Michael Babcock

Thursday, September 17, 2009

More dangerous additives like dihydrogen monoxide!

Ok, I just had to share this.

Be careful of 'statistics' and scare tactics.

Angela Poch, Director
Sette Publishing, Healthy Home Cookin’, and the Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School --- (Oh, and home schooling mother!)

“Like vegan cooking shows? Get them in the mail, delivered right to your door each month with The Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School!”

Junk Science

A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the
Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was
attempting to show how conditioned we have become to
alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of
everything in our environment. In his project he urged
people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total
elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide."

And for plenty of good reasons, since:

1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
2. it is a major component in acid rain
3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
4. accidental inhalation can kill you
5. it contributes to erosion
6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients

He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical.

Forty-three (43) said yes, six (6) were undecided, and only
one (1) knew that the chemical was water.

The title of his prize winning project was, "How Gullible
Are We?"

MSG and beyond

THIS is a mis-informative statement --- “Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein,' which is just another name for Mono sodium Glutamate.” FALSE!!!!! Why do people insist on scare tactics. I think, people love the negative.

First of all a form of MSG is found naturally in many fruits and vegetables right from the garden. (So is cyanide, I might add.)

Secondly, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein is just that, vegetable protein. And because it has vegetables, which contain MSG NATURALLY, it will have some MSG.

MSG is a trouble maker when isolated and used in massive quantities as an additive. Much like SALT or arsenic.

Too much salt causes many, many problems too. BUT salt itself is not the enemy. Over use, over eating, over doing, and over worrying is!!!

BUT, yes there is a but...

I realized I might send out the wrong message with these comments.

I do NOT think MSG is ok to eat or add to our food. I am simply frustrated with the mis-use of information to scare people into avoiding any and all processed food.

There is NO research to show naturally occurring msg is harmful. There is research that shows adding msg to foods can lead to weight gain and since obesity is a real problem, we should be avoiding msg and msg added to food.

I worry that we will delete the real warnings with all the proliferate of junk we get. Don’t be fooled, many additives are harmful, but don’t think eating all raw is ok either. God created us to digest grains cooked not sprouted. And we are encouraged by inspired writing to learn how to cook, so it not just a matter of sloping some food on a plate. Seasonings with herbs are not only tasty, but healthy.

Balance. Balance. Balance.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lot's of FREE health info for VEGANS.


There is lots of FREE stuff at and I will be adding more sometime soon.

PLUS I am offering The Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School DVD's for just $29.95 including shipping and handling - Click here.

Angela Poch

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nutritional Labels

As health minded vegans, we should be reading labels. When you look at a nutritional label do you know what you are reading? Or is it so confusing you just avoid it all together?

Nutritional labels are standard across North America, which means once you learn how to read them, it won't take you much time or effort to continue.

Right under the title of Nutrition Facts is the serving size. Here is where you start. Is this how much you usually eat? Some cerels only have 3/4 cup for a serving, which is certainly not how much I, nor anyone in my family eats. Double it for sure. So read the rest of the label with that in mind. Sure it may say only 3 grams of fat per serving but if that is for only 5 potato chips, how much fat are you getting in a couple handfuls of 15 chips? Yup 9 grams!.

Next we have calories and then fat. Total fat is important, but so is saturated fat and trans fats. You want to avoid too much saturated fat, and any trans fat if possible. Cholesterol should be 0 if you are vegan.

Sodium is next. Keep this under 20% of the Daily Value.

Now we get to Carbohydrates. Don't get too confused here. Sugar plus starch plus fiber is the total carbs. Just basic math. We want high fiber at least 3 to 5 grams per serving is good. You will notice there is no daily percentage for sugar, because the government doesn't have a number for this one. Sugars on the label are not just added sugars, they are also God's natural sugars, so don't be alarmed if the product is otherwise healthy. We need about 300 to 350 grams of total carbs per day. Depending on age and activity.

Protein comes after carbs. This is pretty self-explanatory.

The next section are the vitamins. There are only a few that are usually listed here. Vitamin A, C, Calcium, and Iron are the basic ones. Remember the percentage is based on a 2000 calorie diet for the average adult, unless otherwise stated on the label.

So, that's a quick run down on nutritional labels. Be sure to bring your calculator the next time you go shopping.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Water - getting enough

Getting enough water is important for everyone, not just vegans. We seems to forget how important it really is.

Here is an excerpt from: Water Info Sheet. Click here to read the whole article.

Truly the most amazing molecule of life is water. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen bound by polar covalent bond.

With a pH of 7, it is neither acidic or alkaline, but neutral. 1 Water freezes at 0°C, boils at 100°C, and weighs 1 kg for every liter. While we can go weeks without food, months without love, years without doctors, we can only go days without water. It is second only to the air we breathe. We are about 60 to 80% water, the brain is about 85% water.

A few things water does (not a complete list):
Aids red blood cells in collecting O2. 2
It is used in every cell, every body function, every muscle, and every joint. 3
Needed to make neurotransmitters - like serotonin. 4
Needed to make hormones - like melatonin. 5
Water helps with sleep. 6
Prevents toxin & waste build up. 7
Aids in weight loss by helping with appetite control (often we interpret thirst for hunger), prevents water retention, and decreases fat deposits themselves. 8
Increases the ability of the immune system - even helping reduce some cancers. 9
Needed for memory & brain function. 10
Needed to keep blood at proper viscosity which can help reduce risk of: stroke, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.11 (Women who drink 5+ glasses of water/day are 41% less likely to die from a heart attack. 12)

So, how much do you need? Well a good rule of thumb is about half your body weight in ounces. 22 For example: If you are 120lbs that is 60oz or just under 8 cups. If you are 200lbs that is 100oz or just over 12 cups, check with your doctor as needed. For those using metric - The formula is your weight in Kg x 34 = ml needed per day.

Get your water today!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Combining protein and starch.

Question on food combining. I know that fruits should be eaten by themselves because they digest so rapidly, but I recently read that your meals should be either protein meals or starch meals. Proteins digest in the acid stomach and starches digest in the alkaline intestine. Eating them together keeps them from digesting properly. Any thoughts?

Hi Catherine,

In regards to food combining, I think God packaged foods just right. For instance a potato is very high in starch, with 38 grams, but also has abundant amino acids making it a complete protein over 5 grams (it is the one food man can live on if they had nothing else). Beans are high in protein 20 gram in 1 cup, but also have plenty of starch, over 40 grams. I also believe in following the example of E. White. She would have cream on her greens (protein on starch), etc. Most of the vegetables and all grains have both starch and protein. That is the way God made it.

Starches begin their digestive process in the mouth. This is why cows and horses chew endlessly on their food, while a dog ‘wolfs’ it down. If the food is properly masticated (chewed thoroughly), our bodies are designed to handle the foods God created. The best way to be sure of good digestion is: chew very well, eat slowly, enjoy the food (yes, this is very important), don’t drink COLD liquids, don’t eat too much COLD food, and exercise lightly after eating.

We don’t always know why something works the way it does. True scientific testing always confirms Creation and God’s Plan for living. It is only the theories or summaries that we see as ‘non-scientists’ that conflict. God has infinite wisdom and sometimes people (especially non-Christians) come up with seemingly good ideas based on logic. I find when there are ideas that conflict, they are usually based on logic, and are not truly scientifically tested. It is a fact that proteins digest in the stomach with acids made by the body, and that grains digest with saliva and intestinal fluid, but to say that eating them together can cause problems is a conclusion or theory based on two facts. Sometimes it is difficult to separate the facts from the theory or conclusions. Logic is not always right, but sure sounds good. The best way to weed out the truth is to compare it to scripture and Spirit of Prophecy.

I guess this goes with all topics, not just doctrine or food.

Hope that helps,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Is coffee a diuretic?

There has been an article circulating on the internet from the Beverage Institute. Here are a few comments in regard to their statements that any beverage is as good as water, and that caffeine is not a diuretic.

1) The article does reiterate that caffeine is a diuretic in native individuals. In fact it states that caffeine is not detrimental to the hydration status of those who regularly consume them. The the body must "adapt" over 3 to 5 days to the caffeine. I had a doctor tell me, in person, to give my dehydrated son anything to hydrated him including pop. (Specially he said coke - interestingly the website "the Beverage Institute is owned by Coca-Cola.) My son has NEVER had caffeine, so this would have dehydrated him further. So you see my point is a bit personal. Because I am educated, I refused. What about others?

2) The article used various beverages in the study. Ie: there may be some link to sugar, aspartame, and other chemicals to poor hydration.

3) The individuals can have water retention and not necessarily proper hydration. IE: water can be stored, not used. Just because the urine output stabilized does not mean the water was utilized.

4) Dr. Grandjean stated she didn’t advise athletes to change their drinking habits because she was afraid they would not drink anything. Shouldn’t choices be based on knowledge? That is a kin to saying – don’t tell kids broccoli is better than M & M’s because they won’t get enough calories.

It is frustrating to me that we aim for the lowest possible in our health. We can have such abundant life, and yet we go for the minimum. How can I keep my bad habits and still survive. I am not interesting in survival. I want whole health.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can you be a vegan and drink wine?

Vegans in general eat right, but there are a few that are simply vegan to better the environment and they eat anything as long as it is animal product free.

I would argue you cannot be a true vegan if you don't eat right. It is not wise stewardship of the human body to place foods or drinks into it that are harmful. Why save the whales, while encouraging breast cancer in your own body with a glass of wine? Why protect the trees and air quality, while smoking a joint on occasion, causing over 400 chemicals to pursue through your lungs?

No, I would say you can't be a vegan and drink wine, beer, smoke funny cigarettes, or otherwise harm your body. Your body is part of this plant, and you don't approve of cancer research on monkeys, but you'll do it on yourself.

Whether you believe in God or evolution, the fact remains all creatures should be protected, including your own body.

That's my two bits,

Monday, January 26, 2009

Iron for Vegans

How to get enough iron is often a question posed by new vegans and it is a valid one if one does not eat beans on a regular basis.

Beans are the most common source of iron for vegans, but there are others. Leafy greens, raisins, molasses, prune juice, potatoes, and cashews are just a few more iron rich foods.

Iron is an important blood builder, but you don't need to eat meat to get iron. Heme-iron is from the blood in meat, but the body can use non-heme iron just as well. Meat has a 10 to 35% absorption rate, while plants range from 2 to 20%. You can increase the absorption rate of plants by having vitamin C rich foods with it. Like orange slices on spinach salad with citrus dressing (an adaptation from my Italian Dressing - let me know what you think!).

Citrus Dressing
1/3 cup lemon juice, fresh best
1/4 cup water
2 Tbsp orange juice concentrate
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp Italian Herbs
1/2 to 1 tsp sea salt, to taste

Click here For lots more answers to questions on iron like a list of vegan iron rich foods and how common is it for vegan to be anemic. Scroll down list for the iron information. ENJOY!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vegan Cooking School and Children's Health Course

Well I haven't posted in a while because I have to major projects on the go right now! The first one is the Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School, online cooking classes for vegans. Our students have received their first lesson and we will keep you posted on how they like it. We have ordered a new professional video camera and it should arrive for the next cooking class in February.

The second thing I've been working on is the Children's Health Course. This is more than just a book, its a course designed for children aged age 7 to 12 is sure to help home schoolers and vegetarians alike, from a creation perspective.

Being a homeschool mom myself, I found a lack of health materials for Christians and/or vegans for children. This book is good for those omnivores too! Go to:

God Bless until next time,
Angela Poch

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year Food Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Do you know it's OK and even healthy to make New Year Resolutions? So, why does it make everyone groan? Probably because they get broken or forgotten all to often. But goals are important for healthy change.

Some tips to help you keep your goals.
1. Write them down.
2. Post them on the wall, fridge, etc.
3. Ask a friend to join you and track each others progress.
4. Prayer
5. Pick it up again if you forget or break them. Don't give up because you failed.

So here are a few "Food" Resolutions from our home.

1. Eat less sugar, especially commercial sweets (like candy).
2. Make sure we get enough iron (we don't eat a lot of beans in our home).
3. Enjoy cooking, don't treat it as a burden but as a blessing.
4. Get Jordan (your children) more involved in meal preparations.
5. Be more prepared before meal time, avoid the trap of quick foods because there is not enough time to cook.

From our house to yours!