Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can you be a vegan and drink wine?

Vegans in general eat right, but there are a few that are simply vegan to better the environment and they eat anything as long as it is animal product free.

I would argue you cannot be a true vegan if you don't eat right. It is not wise stewardship of the human body to place foods or drinks into it that are harmful. Why save the whales, while encouraging breast cancer in your own body with a glass of wine? Why protect the trees and air quality, while smoking a joint on occasion, causing over 400 chemicals to pursue through your lungs?

No, I would say you can't be a vegan and drink wine, beer, smoke funny cigarettes, or otherwise harm your body. Your body is part of this plant, and you don't approve of cancer research on monkeys, but you'll do it on yourself.

Whether you believe in God or evolution, the fact remains all creatures should be protected, including your own body.

That's my two bits,

Monday, January 26, 2009

Iron for Vegans

How to get enough iron is often a question posed by new vegans and it is a valid one if one does not eat beans on a regular basis.

Beans are the most common source of iron for vegans, but there are others. Leafy greens, raisins, molasses, prune juice, potatoes, and cashews are just a few more iron rich foods.

Iron is an important blood builder, but you don't need to eat meat to get iron. Heme-iron is from the blood in meat, but the body can use non-heme iron just as well. Meat has a 10 to 35% absorption rate, while plants range from 2 to 20%. You can increase the absorption rate of plants by having vitamin C rich foods with it. Like orange slices on spinach salad with citrus dressing (an adaptation from my Italian Dressing - let me know what you think!).

Citrus Dressing
1/3 cup lemon juice, fresh best
1/4 cup water
2 Tbsp orange juice concentrate
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp Italian Herbs
1/2 to 1 tsp sea salt, to taste

Click here For lots more answers to questions on iron like a list of vegan iron rich foods and how common is it for vegan to be anemic. Scroll down list for the iron information. ENJOY!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vegan Cooking School and Children's Health Course

Well I haven't posted in a while because I have to major projects on the go right now! The first one is the Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School, online cooking classes for vegans. Our students have received their first lesson and we will keep you posted on how they like it. We have ordered a new professional video camera and it should arrive for the next cooking class in February.

The second thing I've been working on is the Children's Health Course. This is more than just a book, its a course designed for children aged age 7 to 12 is sure to help home schoolers and vegetarians alike, from a creation perspective.

Being a homeschool mom myself, I found a lack of health materials for Christians and/or vegans for children. This book is good for those omnivores too! Go to:

God Bless until next time,
Angela Poch

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year Food Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Do you know it's OK and even healthy to make New Year Resolutions? So, why does it make everyone groan? Probably because they get broken or forgotten all to often. But goals are important for healthy change.

Some tips to help you keep your goals.
1. Write them down.
2. Post them on the wall, fridge, etc.
3. Ask a friend to join you and track each others progress.
4. Prayer
5. Pick it up again if you forget or break them. Don't give up because you failed.

So here are a few "Food" Resolutions from our home.

1. Eat less sugar, especially commercial sweets (like candy).
2. Make sure we get enough iron (we don't eat a lot of beans in our home).
3. Enjoy cooking, don't treat it as a burden but as a blessing.
4. Get Jordan (your children) more involved in meal preparations.
5. Be more prepared before meal time, avoid the trap of quick foods because there is not enough time to cook.

From our house to yours!