Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let's Cook on 3ABN

Hi Friends,

I am getting ready to go down to Illinois for the 3ABN "Let's Cook" program. The taping will be on Tuesday Sept 30th and the Today program will be Sept 29th (my late mother's birthday). I am getting quite excited, and nervous at the same time, about the project.

We will be offering the DVD's for sale.

We hope this to be a blessing,
Angela Poch

PS: I will try to get internet once in a while to keep this updated.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What is Serotonin and Melatonin?

Hi Angela!
So is serotonin the happy hormone? But your body makes serotonin by combining melatonin and tryptophan?

Yes, Serotonin is the happy hormone. It is a brain neurotransmitter used particullarly in the frontal lobe - your will and reason center. It is produced in the pineal gland.

No, Your body makes melatonin from the serotonin, which is made from tryptophan (over simplified, but you get the idea.)

The process is as follows:
The pineal gland takes tryptophan from the blood and converts it to serotonin. The serotonin is converted to melatonin using an enzyme call NAT. But, we get melatonin from other sources as well. The retina can produce melatonin, under darkness, without the pineal gland. In addition there are foods, like oats and corn, that have melatonin in them. We get tryptophan from foods like tofu, roasted pumpkin seeds, gluten flour, and almonds.

So to increase melatonin & serotonin: Sleep in complete darkness so the retina can do it's job, eat foods rich in melatonin, tryptophan and vit B6, fast in the early evening, and get SUNLIGHT!! We may NOT get enough in Canada for some people. A light box is recommended if you are low in serotonin.

For more info on Nutrition and the Mind, see our info sheet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Organic Foods


Let's look at both sides of the issue. As vegetarians, we want all the nutrition and avoid all the chemicals.

On the con side: First of all, it is rather expensive depending on where you live. Secondly organic farmers can (it is their choice) use just as much pesticides as traditional farmers, they have to use "organic" fertilizers like rotenone - "a toxic crystalline substance obtained from the roots of derris and related plants" dictionary. In fact some new studies are showing, organic farmers may in some cases use more pesticides. The GOOD NEWS is MOST pesticides are washed before you get them, and you can wash almost all the remaining off. What I do avoid is GMO. And organic does NOT mean GMO free, but usually organic producers avoid GMO's.

Pro side: One thing in favor of organic is some food seem to have a bit more nutrients. Tests are showing more vitamin B12 and other nutrients in organic foods. Many people attest to the fact there is more flavor in organic produce. AND as for free range organic dairy and eggs (for those that eat those products) there is a significant difference. In addition, organic farmers tend to be more careful. Careful with the environment, careful with their animals/gardens. They have invested a lot into their farms.

So do what you can, if you want organic that is fine, but don't get stressed over it. There are bigger fish to fry!

Take care,

PS: Home grown, if you can get your hands on it is the very best. Gardening reduces stress and you're guaranteed GREAT nutrition and no chemicals. I HIGHLY recommend growing your own produce. It can be done even in the city. Just look for an old Italian part of town and you'll see what I mean. My uncle has a small garden that produces pounds of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and much more most of the summer down in Vancouver on a small city lot.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Getting started as a new vegetarian!

Just how do you get started becoming a vegetarian?

I mean how do you know if you are getting enough nutrition? What about protein, calcium, and other nutrients, aren't vegetarians deficient in those things? Doesn't a vegetarian diet omit nutrients?

Common misconceptions about the vegetarian diet for sure.

Vegetarians don't have anymore trouble getting good nutrition than meat-eaters. In fact, is it more common to see deficiencies in those eating a typical America diet. Anemia plagues more meat eaters than vegetarians. So, why the myths? Why are so many people so sure vegetarians are missing something?

Propaganda. That's right the agriculture industry has decided meat and dairy are food groups and so vegetarians are missing out on two of the four food groups. They are eating an "unnatural" diet and are unhealthy because they are leaving out recommended food groups.

The trouble with that logic is, who came up with the food groups? The agricultural industry. The science and research shows there are more than just food groups to worry about. Fat, protein, carbohydrates, and the micro-nutrients are what really is important and each of these can be found in the vegetable kingdom.

So if you want more information on getting started eating a vegetarian diet and the true food groups check out our new e-book on the Higher Path Print & Production Website and leave the worry to those who are brain washed by marketing.

Enjoy your food,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stress Management


It affects us all. Many people are feeling pushed, rushed, hustled, and under too much responsibility. So, how do we cope with all this?

First of all, a stressor is not in and of itself stress. When you get a flat tire and it appears you will be late for a meeting, that is called a stressor. How you react to it, mentally and physically is stress. Our mental attitude and physical condition have much to do with how we react to stress. Even our diet, yes I said diet, has an effect on our stress reaction. If we lack B vitamins, eat too much sugar, or drink caffeine, we will have a reduced ability to cope with stress.

So eat right and accept the things you cannot change,

PS: More on stress at