Thursday, September 11, 2008

Organic Foods


Let's look at both sides of the issue. As vegetarians, we want all the nutrition and avoid all the chemicals.

On the con side: First of all, it is rather expensive depending on where you live. Secondly organic farmers can (it is their choice) use just as much pesticides as traditional farmers, they have to use "organic" fertilizers like rotenone - "a toxic crystalline substance obtained from the roots of derris and related plants" dictionary. In fact some new studies are showing, organic farmers may in some cases use more pesticides. The GOOD NEWS is MOST pesticides are washed before you get them, and you can wash almost all the remaining off. What I do avoid is GMO. And organic does NOT mean GMO free, but usually organic producers avoid GMO's.

Pro side: One thing in favor of organic is some food seem to have a bit more nutrients. Tests are showing more vitamin B12 and other nutrients in organic foods. Many people attest to the fact there is more flavor in organic produce. AND as for free range organic dairy and eggs (for those that eat those products) there is a significant difference. In addition, organic farmers tend to be more careful. Careful with the environment, careful with their animals/gardens. They have invested a lot into their farms.

So do what you can, if you want organic that is fine, but don't get stressed over it. There are bigger fish to fry!

Take care,

PS: Home grown, if you can get your hands on it is the very best. Gardening reduces stress and you're guaranteed GREAT nutrition and no chemicals. I HIGHLY recommend growing your own produce. It can be done even in the city. Just look for an old Italian part of town and you'll see what I mean. My uncle has a small garden that produces pounds of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and much more most of the summer down in Vancouver on a small city lot.

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